397 Merrick Avenue, North Merrick, NY, 11566
Dry cleaning and Tailoring business for sale in Merrick, NY.Approx. 1, 000sf retail store with high visibility on Merrick Avenue.Easy-to-run business, reasonable hours, and lots of potential.No environmental issues, as all cleaning is done off-site.Gas heat, wall A/C - 18, 000 BTU, shared parking lot. $3, 100 rent, 4 years remaining on lease, plus a 5-year option.Current gross is $125, 000, but there’s lots of room for improvement.(Owners have no internet presence, do no advertising, and don’t offer pickups and deliveries - all potential areas for increased income).Partners are parting ways, and business must be sold.Do not enter premises without an appointment. After 4PM preferred.
More Property Details
Parking Spaces: Yes
Parking Facilities: Off Street, Shared Driveway
Heat: Natural Gas
A/C: Wall/Window Unit(s)
Listing Information provided courtesy of
Southgate Realty Corporation